Sunday, March 8, 2009

Interesting Conversation, part 2

Well after the interesting conversation I had with my mother, I thought I would have the same one with my sisters. After all, they are the same generation as me. And neither of them are innocent little virgins. I am sure that at least one of them has gotten herself into situations that I would be aghast at. So, I ask them what they think of a woman with two men.

"That's sick."
"She's a pig."

But when I asked them what about a guy with two women, then that was more acceptable. Now they won't admit to being willing to do anything like that - which I can understand, it isn't even in my realm of fantasy, personally - but that is much more acceptable to them.

Now this threw me for a loop. It's okay for a guy to be with two girls, and the girls aren't sick pigs, they are kinky and probably stupid, but stick a girl with two guys and it is wrong any way you spell it.

One of them even said that society says it's more acceptable. I asked her why just because society says it is okay, then it is okay. She couldn't give me a decent answer. But she is adamant in her surety that the woman that does two men - even if it is something she wants to do, if it is her fantasy, if she gets more pleasure out of it than she ever imagined-that woman is still a sick pig and disgusting.

It is things like this attitude that really blow me away. I thought most of us had grown out of the idea that women can be sluts but men can't. Her boyfriend can have slept with 50 women (I don't know if he has) over the years, and that is okay. But she (or any other woman) has to keep her numbers down or she is a slut.

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