Saturday, December 27, 2008

Great News

I just got the information that my Ellora's Cave story, "Hungry Like a Wolf" will be in the first volume of the Cavemen Anthologies. The title of the series is Ellora's Cavemen; Flavors of Ecstasy. I will be in Volume 1, which comes out on March 20th. The equinox. Makes it an extra special holiday for me :).

I also got a sneak peek at my cover for "Redesigning Adele" from Loose-Id. All I can say is AWESOME. LOL, I loved it. I can't wait to get the finalized version of it so I can post it everywhere.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Awesome Invite

I just got the best thing in the world in the mail today. (well the bills don't count.) A long time friend of mine sent me a pre-invite - a save the date card for HIS WEDDING! Okay, okay, a wedding isn't a big deal, I know. BUT, IT IS!! He and his long time partner, also a male are going to get married this JUNE!! Not just have a civic union. They are going to get married. It is legal for them to get married and that is exactly what they are going to do!!!!

That makes me a happy camper.

I am not going to get into the argument of a civil union is a good and legal as a marriage, etc, that marriages are religious in nature or whatever. I am just saying that He CAN and he is GOING TO. And I am going to be there to support him. I can't wait.

Now-what am I gonna wear?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Everything is Official

Okay, I really really feel official now. I signed and sent both contracts to both publishers, and have now received both contracts back with THEIR signatures.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Another One

Okay, can we say lucky week? I started out the week with a rejection. Within two days, I got an acceptance (the one for the anthology I mentioned the other day). And now, today, I got another acceptance for a stand alone novella from Loose-Id. I am sooooo excited, I can hardly stand it.
No news yet on when anything will be out, but I really am ecstatic. Wonder what else I should do this month? November seems to be a good month for me this year. Maybe I can finish Nano this year, too!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Okay, I am jumping for joy here, bouncing in my seat. The story I submitted to the anthology has been accepted. WOOOHOOOO

I am not sure how much information I can divulge right now, at least not til I send them and they send back the contract fully signed, but I AM GOING TO BE PUBLISHED!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Submissions, Submissions

I submitted the story to an anthology. Now I only need to wait, wait and more wait. I subbed it in right at the deadline, well the day before the deadline. So now I wait. Will find out by December 31, I guess. The longer I wait, the better, right? No news it good news cause as long as I don't get a rejection then that means I still have a chance :).

My crit partner is also editing another story for me, one that I hope to submit as well. Oh, yeah, the one I subbed months ago got rejected, but I think I had said that I was pretty sure it would be. I wasn't the happiest about the story itself, so I wasn't too surprised, and they actually gave a pretty good reason for it being rejected. Helped me figure out what it was that I actually didn't like about it, either.

Oh well, I have the other subs out, we shall see what happens. Wish me luck.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Waiting Sucks

I knew that waiting was going to be the worst part of writing. Well the waiting, and the editing and the rejections. I did receive an email saying they were taking about 3 months, which is actually pretty good, so not too worried yet. I have decided I am not sure if this one is going to make it. I have a couple others that are almost ready to go out, so I will send those as soon as I am done.

I hope to submit a story to an anthology before the end of the month, and it is coming along pretty well. I guess I have a few more weeks to work on it. Will let you guys know how it goes.

Friday, August 1, 2008

First Submission

Well, I sent out my first submission last night. It's been a long time coming, and I finally decided to just do it. The story has been finished a while, but I just haven't gotten up the "umph" to get it out there, know what I mean? It can be a scary proposition both for newbies and experienced authors alike, or so I have been told.

This one is a futuristic romance about a woman that left the man she loved because he wasn't what she thought he was. The fun part is when he comes after her :). Wish me luck!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Talya's First Blog

Well, if you have found your way here, congratulations and thank you! This is my blog/website. I have just started writing and am looking forward to having my name out there in the publishing world. Over the next few months I hope to have information for aspiring authors like myself, interviews with other authors, and news on my upcoming books/stories.

So if you have found me, please, come in, relax and stay a while.