I got a nice surprise the other day. A package arrived at my doorstep at like 5:30 at night. It was from a name I recognized, but couldn't place. And then I placed it as one of the women from Loose-Id. I hadn't ordered anything, so I had no idea what it was.
Opened it up, and I found author copies of Love in Thirds. A two author anthology that I am now in with Kori Roberts. It has Redesigning Adele in it. The novella about Adele and her two men, Leo and Max.
As far as I understand you can order it from your local bookstore as well as Barne's and Noble and Amazon. Barnes and Noble is listing just Kori Roberts on their B&N site, so you might have to ask for it by title and/or isbn.
Love in Thirds
# ISBN-10: 1596329424
# ISBN-13: 978-1596329423