Thursday, June 25, 2009

Another Wedding Date

I went home to visit my mom this past week and timed the visit for now for a very specific reason. I had a wedding to go to. Not a regular run of the mill wedding (not that any wedding is run of the mill for the participants) but a same sex wedding.

I have to say I am very proud of the people of this nation that they are slowly but surely realizing that just because people are of the same gender doesn't mean they can't be equally in love. That people should have the same rights regardless of their sexual orientation.

This wedding involved two men. One I have known for 20 years and one I have only met once or twice before. Both are wonderful people and deserve to be happy. I have to say it was the most beautiful and elegant wedding I have seen in years, if not ever. There were no frilly overdone flowers and bows (which many people like, and which, I too, had at my wedding). It was classic, classy, and beautiful.

The minister was awesome. I have never laughed so much at a wedding in my life. And get this - it was a Baptist wedding. Now for some of you that may not be a big surprise, but for me, a person only used to fairly strict Southern Baptists, this was incredible. I have to give the pastor kudos.

But I am not telling about this wedding to brag about it, or to up my credentials as a writer that has LGBT themes in some of her stories. I am telling about this because I was brought to tears. They have waited ten years to be able to do this, and they finally had the chance, the LEGAL RIGHT to do this. And that makes me too happy to describe.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Wedding Date

You ever see a movie and and realize how much you love it? It might not be a great movie, hell, it might not even be a good movie, but there is something about it that you just love. There is something about "The Wedding Date" that I just love. It's cute, silly and just plain fun. I laugh every time I see it. There are parts that I am not fond of, but I am watching it right now and just enjoying it. Maybe it's the fact that an ex wants her back, or that she has the balls to hire an escort, or something. I don't know. I just like it :)

But I found it strange that she was acting like she'd never shared a bed with a man she wasn't having sex with. I know I've shared a bed with a male before that I had no sexual interest in. Anyone else?